What we are up to



Influencing Prejudice Project 
PEEL researcher scientist Yilong Wang and colleagues currently are conducting the Influencing Prejudice Project, a multi-phase research endeavor that seeks to identify how to best communicate about individual and social costs of racism by testing if attitudes and behaviors about the costs of racism can be changed as a way to “inoculate” those who carry prejudiced attitude.
Following the Science to Reduce Prejudice
Executive Director, Stewart Donaldson and project Manager, Jennifer Villalobos are conducting a systematic review of the scientific studies of prejudice reduction strategies and interventions.  The goal is to identify the most effective evidence-based prejudice reduction approaches.


View Research Report
– Following the Science to Understand How to Reduce Prejudice and its Harmful Consequences
View Comprehensive Study Document
– Following the Science to Understand How to Reduce Prejudice and its Harmful Consequences in Post-Pandemic Times
Camber Survey System Research Studies
Executive Director, Stewart Donaldson and Project Manager, Jennifer Villalobos recently embarked on Year 3 of the Camber Survey System. The Camber Survey System was developed in partnership with the leadership at Camber Outdoors, a nonprofit organization that equips partner organizations across the $887 Billion Outdoor Recreation Economy to implement best practices in Workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).  The two-part survey, which consists of an Organizational Workplace Survey and Employee Survey, was designed and administered to uphold the rigor, integrity, and reliability of the workplace  survey process. The results of the Survey are provided exclusively to Camber partners who participate in the Camber Survey System. The data collected serves as a directional indicator of cohort-wide trends as well as provides organizational specific data which captures employee perspectives of outdoor organization’s DEI efforts. Organization-specific custom data is for use by each organization only, while aggregate data is used to monitor cohort progress in DEI practices and policies across the outdoor recreation economy
A Case for Evaluator Psychological Capital towards Socially Just Evaluation Practice.
Project Manager, Jennifer Villalobos proposes for her dissertation project an exploration of evaluator Psychological Capital (PsyCap) as a psychological resource for social justice oriented evaluation.  In addition to the various positive outcomes linked to individual PsyCap, growing research has demonstrated a positive relationship between PsyCap and an individual’s working environment, suggesting its important role in buffering job demands, including those experienced by program evaluators tasked with achieving high standards associated with social justice work.